
We love welcoming new people into the Society. It’s affordable and fun! So if you are not a member now is the time to apply!

Love theatre, but never want to perform yourself or get a job? — Not a problem, friends of the Society are welcome!

Becoming a member of Alexandra Musical Society allows you to join this great community committed to participation in the performing arts.

It’s easy, just complete and submit the form below and pay your annual subscription. You will be invoiced each year in March.

Benefits of becoming a member

  • Advanced notice of show selections and audition dates

  • Email updates of what’s happening in the society, and in the wider theatre community

  • Regular MTNZ newsletters

  • Complimentary MTNZ membership

  • Preferential Bookings

  • Discount for costume hire

  • Other special events and benefits that happen from time to time

subs are due from the 1st april each year and you should receive an invoice a few weeks before

if you no longer want to remain a member then please advise us in writing - this is necessary as we are an incorporated society.

Please deposit your membership fee into our account and complete the form below so that we can update our members list

03 -1733-0030359-00

Please add

reference: Your Name

CoDE: Subs 24/25 check the details below for the sub that best suits you

Membership subscriptions -

You decide which level of member ship you would like:

  • Individual Membership – $20 annually (due at the beginning of each year)

  • Family Membership (Includes parents and all school age children) – $25 annually

  • Friends of the Society – $20 annually

  • Active Members involved in committee, cast & crew, orchestra, Costume hire and other volunteer roles and Children's Theatre $10 annually

Please complete and submit the form below, and deposit the applicable fee to our account

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Please enter your name and membership class as references, our secretary will be in touch to confirm your membership.